With Father’s Day just around the bend, and me without a gift, I dove in to find a few last minute gift ideas that can do the trick. (Or else are so awesome that the last-minute doesn’t matter.) And of course, no gift is a good gift unless it’s a beer gift!
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Bottle Cap Fishing Lures
Beer Cap Fishing Lures
These so-called Redneck Fishing Lures are made from used bottle caps, and they’re really cool looking. I assume they work for fishing as well. They’re available on Esty, and may not make it in time for Father’s Day, but hey—they’re handmade! The artist, J Tuck, has some other bottle cap art on his site, including beer can flowers (for Mother’s Day?).
Homebrew Kit
It’s almost a cliché, but it’s better than a necktie. Homebrew kits have really come along lately, and offer much more freedom than they used to. After reading some reviews (and tasting some beer from some of the big-box store homebrew kits), I would choose a beer kit from a trusted beer ingredient source, like Northern Brewer. They have a great kit for around $50 that includes all the basics, and you can choose from several recipes. Or if your dad is a Star Trek fan (Next Generation, in this case), splurge a little on Wil Wheaton’s VandalEyes PA starter kit, featuring his own recipe!
The 3-in-1 Hermetus Bottle Opener and Sealer
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3-in-1 Hermetus Bottle Opener and Sealer
This handy gadget is great for dads (or anyone) who likes to sample 22 oz bombers—which can sometimes be a bit too much beer for one sitting. The Hermetus Bottle Opener and Sealer not only opens both pop-top and twist-off caps, it will also re-seal the bottle caps, which is ideal for capping a fancy bomber beer for saving for later.
Microbrewed Beer of the Month Club
These “Of the Month” clubs have been around for a while, and they really do make classic gifts. There are a lot to choose from, too. The Microbrewed Beer of the Month club features harder to find craft beers, and each selection comes with tasting notes and brewery profile. This group offers four different clubs, including the Rare Beer Club, which was originally founded by Michael Jackson. These guys are also pretty cool, because they provide twelve, 12 oz. beers—three bottles or cans of each style. That’s enough to share—if dad is inclined—or savor alone.
This club is having a Father’s Day sale, as well.
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The American Craft Beer Cookbook
Craft Beer Cookbook
Great for dads that love to cook, a good craft beer cookbook also offers a whole new reason to try new beers. The American Craft Beer Cookbook is a relative newcomer to the cookbook scene, and is already a favorite in the genre. The book contains 155 recipes contributed by brewers and beer lovers across the country—so you know they’re good. The recipes cover a huge range of styles, and the book also includes beer-focused road trips and festivals to check out! However, not all the recipes include craft beer—though they all taste great with beer!—and some of them can require a bit of skill in the kitchen.
What’s your Father’s Day gift?
What’s on your Father’s Day gift list? Any favorite traditions or plans to share? Let us know in the comments below!