While technology resistant nay-sayers will have you believe there’s no way a beer could be improved through a smart phone application, I beg to differ. Today’s smartphones can be used to find you new beers you’ve yet to try, demand that your friends put their pants on and join you for a pint, and help you sound like a true brewmaster next time your at the barstool. I’ve got four of my personal favorite applications which you can find on your Android or iOS phone; trust me, you’ll be rushing to the app store in a few minutes.
Hands down the best beer application for getting educated on beer styles and flavors, this beer app created by the Beer Judge Certification Program gives you all the guidelines the professionals use in certified beer competitions. Is the bar your at serving a new Pale Bitter European Beer? Get ready to blow your friends’ minds by letting them know just how spicy, aromatic, and pale gold this brew should really be.
Easily accessible and informative too, this application is great for when you’re at a kegger and have got to know what pace you should be drinking at. 3.8%? Have at ’em! But, if you’re drinking our Imperial IPA at 8%ABV, you’d better slow your roll.
A great app for when you’re out of town, use this application to find the local breweries and pubs wherever you wander. It’s not free, but at $3.99 it’s worth the price if you are a frequent traveler.
The “Beer?!” application is really simple. Basically, it’s a messaging application created with only one purpose in mind: calling out the crew for a drink. Create a short list of your elites, and send them your very own “bat signal” when it’s time to start drinking. While stupidly simple, it’s perfect for when your just a tad stupidly inebriated.
Run off now and try these out. Which one is your favorite?