Tis the Season for Stouts!
Redwood Oatmeal Stout With the Thanksgiving holidays past, the winter season is well under way. While fall always brings its harvest of pumpkin beer (and this year I saw some new styles, with a sour...
View ArticleTalon Smoked Double Porter Chocolate Fudge
Talon Smoked Double Porter Fudge The holidays are fast approaching, which means winter seasonals—watch for Mendocino’s Oatmeal Stout!—and lots of chocolate! This chocolate fudge, a favorite anytime, is...
View ArticleWarm Ales for Cold Nights
Happy Holidays! To help bring some spice into your celebration—and mine—I’ve collected my two favorite warm beer cocktails to keep the spirits bright. Warm drinks, including ale drinks, have long been...
View ArticleThe Year in Beer – 2015
As the calendar year draws to a close, I like to take a look at the past year’s news and events in the world of craft beer. Not only does a recap help me track the progress and issues of the craft, but...
View ArticleOatmeal Stout — Good for What Ails You
Mendocino Brewing Redwood Stout We’re well in the heart of winter now, and the dark, winter-warming beers have started filling the shelves. Mendocino’s seasonal Oatmeal Stout has joined this welcome...
View ArticleTalon IPA Cheddar Garlic Biscuits
Talon IPA Cheddar Garlic Biscuits Beer for breakfast? Why not—especially if it’s baked into these great Talon IPA Garlic Cheddar biscuits. Besides being a snap to make, the rolled style looks mighty...
View ArticleCalifornia Craft Beer Month – 2016!
In February of 2012, the California Senate declared February to be California Craft Beer Month. This was quite a big deal, and the holiday is sometimes overshadowed by the plethora of self-proclaimed...
View ArticleThe Art of the Beer Review
Craft Beers waiting to be judged. (photo Courtesy of Jay Brooks) Ahh, the beer review. So many of us know what we like in a beer, but find it hard to explain to others. While that may not be important...
View ArticleSupport Your Right to Brews
Roosevelt ran on Prohibition repeal. President’s Day is this Monday, and as the primaries roll along, that seemed a good reason to take a more lighthearted look at politics through a glass of beer—and...
View ArticleWheat Beers — Breaking the Law
Winter is already edging toward the door, and the spring seasonals are starting to move the darker beers to the side. To me, wheats and wits epitomize the spring seasonals. Light and refreshing, but...
View ArticleEye of the Hawk Cinnamon Sugar Beer Muffins
Eye of the Hawk Cinnamon Sugar Beer Muffins Mmm, muffins. I love the idea of fresh things baking in the morning, but I’m not so keen on being the one to stagger into the kitchen and start these...
View ArticleHop Harvest Down Under: Flavors from Southern Hemisphere
Most beer lovers would drool over a handful of the hops that were grown in the American Northwest-imagine smelling the floral notes of Cascade hops and just knowing they’ll bring an even bitterness to...
View ArticleHomegrown Hops: Vine, Rhizomes, and Beer
If you’ve ever brewed your own beer, or even thought of doing so, you’ll have heard of growing hops so that your homebrew is seriously built from the ground up. Hops are conical floral buds from vines...
View Article5 Pro Tips for Sampling Beer Flights
If sampling beer flights with your friends isn’t one of your favorite things to do, you should really reconsider your hobbies. Trying new beers by yourself or with friends is such a fun experience. A...
View ArticleIs it a Hangover or the Leftovers from Bad Tap Lines?
I’ve been traveling all week and visiting a hugely diverse selection of local pubs in New York City. My tour guides vary, but they all seem to take my tourista status as a challenge. Who can procure...
View ArticleWhich Beer Goes Better with this Chopped Greek Salad? White Hawk India Pale...
The school of thought that I’ve always been taught is that pilsners or IPAs are great pairings with Mediterranean meals. Unfortunately for us, we sort of have to guess what people mean by Mediterranean...
View ArticleBeer Apps You’ve Got to Download Now
While technology resistant nay-sayers will have you believe there’s no way a beer could be improved through a smart phone application, I beg to differ. Today’s smartphones can be used to find you new...
View ArticleAre You Serving These Mendocino Brews at the Right Temperature?
When it comes top the bottled beer you drink at your favorite restaurant, the rule of thumb is that chilled beer, as with all nearly all alcohol, is good for business. Still there are some...
View ArticleEye of the Hawk Vs. Imperial Barley Wine Ale: Which Pairs Best with Our...
For this month’s beer pairing, I wanted to do something more robust for those of of us who are less salad eaters (link to last month’s post) and more into good ol’ fashioned potato based dishes....
View ArticleMendocino’s Top 4 Memorial Day Brews
While it’s a day created to honor those who’ve lost there lives for fighting for our country, Memorial Day is also thought of as the first official day of summer. That means it’s time to take out the...
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